This meditation activates and develops our Thymus field energy. Most qigong forms work with our vertical energies while this form works with our horizontal energies through five integrated breathing techniques. Once the Thymus energy field is activated you sync with the earth’s rotation, providing a deep connection to the world.
The Thymus field provides us an automatic Qi charge. Children, having larger thymus fields, experience a lot of energy and are always on the go. As we age, this declines and our automatic Qi charge slows down. This is why we recover more slowly and can age quickly. By developing the thymus field energy we reinforce our immune system. The thymus gland also produces antibodies to reject foreign tissues and cells.
Another important role of the Thymus field energy is the effect on the pituitary gland (emotion controlling), that’s why we also call the thymus the “Peacemaker”. By developing this energy, our emotions can be controlled easily and we can receive peace within others and ourselves.
This is a seated meditation with 6 movements working with our breath and visualization.