Great White Crane

With our modern stressful life and exposure to fast paced technology, we tend to hold our breath. This easily creates stagnation and confusion of Qi in the lungs, resulting in a reduction of the lungs capacity and function. Disharmony of the lungs can lead to many problems such as low immunity, allergies, pneumonia, asthma, lungs disease, urination difficulty, issues with bowel movements, and negative emotions.

Is a graceful walking form that works primarily on the lungs. The lungs, through breathing, are the first of the body’s organs to have contact with the universe. The lungs not only take in and distribute the breath to the whole body, they also lie above the other organs and act as their protection. By strengthening the lung energy, this form greatly benefits the symptoms listed above.

This is a short standing form that consists of 7 movements and some chanting.