Tag: hand-made

  • Dai Mai

    This is a unique form that focuses on the Dai Mai or Belt Channel. This channel circulates around our waist and is the only channel that travels in this direction. Once the Belt Channel is activated, Qi starts to flow freely and expands. The highlight of this form occurs as the Dai Mai’s energy builds and…

  • Great White Crane

    With our modern stressful life and exposure to fast paced technology, we tend to hold our breath. This easily creates stagnation and confusion of Qi in the lungs, resulting in a reduction of the lungs capacity and function. Disharmony of the lungs can lead to many problems such as low immunity, allergies, pneumonia, asthma, lungs…

  • Heart Wheel Meditation

    This meditation activates and develops our Thymus field energy. Most qigong forms work with our vertical energies while this form works with our horizontal energies through five integrated breathing techniques. Once the Thymus energy field is activated you sync with the earth’s rotation, providing a deep connection to the world. The Thymus field provides us…

  • Hu Lu Gong

    Translated as Squash Qigong, this is a form designed to boost and maintain defensive energy (the immune system) in the body. The oldest Taoist name for qigong is “Bao Qi Ping – conserve the Qi in a bottle.” In ancient China, dried gourds were used as containers for hot water, tea, or hot wine during…